Bitcoin Sentiment Increasing Last 12 Months

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December 6, 2023

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As seen on the timeline, during the past 12 months the general movement of the sentiment and price of Bitcoin has steadily been going upwards.

Clicking and reading through the recent articles from the timeline for sentiment over time for “Bitcoin” as a narrative at, it becomes apparent that financial media are reporting about three major topics that seem to be spurring the positive sentiment:

  1. Bitcoin’s gains largely have come amid optimism that U.S. regulators will soon approve the first spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF), a move that is widely expected to usher in a fresh wave of investor interest in cryptos.
  1. Investors are also increasingly confident that the Federal Reserve has finished raising interest rates and could cut borrowing costs early next year, a move that would be most supportive of risk-sensitive bets like tokens and tech stocks.
  2. The upcoming bitcoin halving April 17, 2024.

Tradervoice’s Bitcoin sentiment and popularity expectations

Bitcoin has historically moved in cycles. When we compare this cycle to the prior 2 cycles, from this point on it will historically be going upward for the price of Bitcoin. With that said this cycle has gaining traction at an early stage compared to the prior cycle. But the prior cycle was also hit by a “black swan” as covid pushed the price down for all assets in march 2020…


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