Narratives make assets skyrocket..
The ultimate day trader tool

Gain A Trading

Tie news to your investments,
by leveraging data from 200 financial news sites.

Type in any narrative, track its popularity and sentiment over time, and analyse & compare its impact on financial markets.

narrative-search Search Your Narrative Now

Where traders
gain an advantage

Used by traders who base investments on news data

Tie news to investments

Let the millions of voices through SoMe and news sites speak directly to you through the data.

Proactive Sentiment Exploration

See the sentiment of a narrative or a piece of news and how it correlates to a ticker. 

Guess less when trading

Get your bias reassured or dismantled by data! Challenge your hypothesis about narratives in the market. How widespread is “generative AI” and how is the sentiment?

Use science to your advantage

The science behind is a first of its kind, condensing narratives and voices from the world’s news and SoMe into a dataset that you can search through to make informed and data-driven decisions.

History’s clues, tomorrow’s gains

Seize the advantage of comparing how historical narratives compare to present narratives. Then use our cutting-edge tools to decode the impact of the narratives to the tickers you select, enabling you to position yourself ahead of the curve and making informed decisions.

User Reviews

From the Voices of Traders

Building Insights,
One Data Point at a Time

Understand our way of getting and processing our data that powers

Step 1

Gathering the
Narratives Data set

We meticulously collect news articles and SoMe posts that are related to the financial markets. This data forms the foundation of our analysis.

Step 2

Human eyes look
through the data 

We continuously go through the data we receive with our own eyes to heighten the quality of the data.

Step 3

Advanced science-
driven data analysis

We are a science team from Aarhus University in Denmark commercializing the narrative-science we are spearheading! This means that the science running the engine and solutions you find at will be very hard if not impossible to find anywhere else. 

Step 4

Crafting Informative

The insights derived from our data analysis are transformed into easily understandable features visualizing the data through line charts, news streams and much more. This empowers our traders to quickly make well-informed trading decisions.

Trader's Corner

Spotlight on Our Top Recent Articles

Presenting Tradervoice (narrative trading)

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COP28 – Renewables Charge Ahead: Aiming for #1 Spot in the Energy Market

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